A-1 Pallets Inc |
https://www.a1palletsinc.com/ |
Alaska Airlines |
https://www.alaskaair.com/ |
Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation |
http://www.afdf.org/ |
Alaska Marine Lines |
http://www.lynden.com/aml/ |
Alaska Seafood Cooperative |
http://alaskaseafoodcooperative.org/ |
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute |
http://www.alaskaseafood.org/ |
Alaska Ship Supply |
http://www.alaskashipsupply.com/ |
Alaska Weathervane Seafoods |
http://www.alaskascallop.net/ |
Alaskan Leader Fisheries |
http://alaskanleader.com/ |
Alchemy Systems |
http://www.alchemysystems.com/ |
Aleutian Spray Fisheries |
http://www.starboats.com/ |
Alliance Packaging |
http://www.alliancepackaging.net/ |
American President Lines |
https://www.apl.com/wps/portal/apl |
American Seafoods |
http://www.americanseafoods.com/ |
Americold Logistics |
http://www.americold.com/ |
ProAmpac Flexibles |
http://www.https://www.proampac.com/ |
Apex Cold Storage |
http://www.apexcoldstorage.com/ |
Aqua Star |
http://www.aquastar.com/home |
Arthur J Gallagher Risk Management Services Inc. |
https://www.ajg.com/us/industries/marine-insurance// |
At-sea Processors Association |
http://www.atsea.org/ |
Bank of America Merrill Lynch |
https://www.bofaml.com/content/boaml/en_us/home.html |
Banner Bank |
https://www.bannerbank.com/ |
Bay Ship Yacht |
http://www.bay-ship.com/ |
Beckwith & Kuffel |
http://www.b-k.com/ |
Bellingham Cold Storage |
http://www.bellcold.com/ |
Blu Wrap |
http://www.bluwrap.com/ |
Boise Packaging |
http://www.boisepaper.com/ |
Bornstein Seafoods |
http://www.bornstein.com/ |
Bristol Bay Economic Development Corp |
http://www.bbedc.com/ |
Bristol Wave Seafoods |
https://bristolwaveseafoods.com/ |
Brown Line |
http://www.lynden.com/bll/ |
Bulldog Bag |
http://www.bulldogbag.com/ |
Calkins & Burke |
http://www.bulldogbag.com/ |
Canadian Fishing Company |
http://www.canfisco.com/ |
Cannon Fish Company |
http://www.cannonfish.com/ |
Cascadia International Group Inc. |
Cascadia Seafoods |
Chang International |
http://www.changinternational.com/ |
Chevron |
http://www.Chevron.com/ |
Coastal Transportation |
http://www.coastaltransportation.com/ |
Cold Locker Processing LLC |
http://www.coldlocker.com/home |
Columbia Bank |
https://www.columbiabank.com/ |
Commercial Cold Storage |
http://commercialcold.com/ |
Commodity Forwarders |
http://cfiperishables.com/ |
Covich Williams |
http://www.covichwilliams.com/ |
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP |
http://www.dwt.com/ |
Deep Sea Fisheries |
http://www.deepseafisheries.com/ |
Delta Western |
http://www.nspetroleum.com/companies/delta-western/ |
Diversified Business Communications |
https://www.divcom.com/ |
Dynamic Systems |
http://dynamic-systemsinc.com/ |
E & E Foods Corporation |
http://eefoods.com/ |
EC Phillips and Sons |
http://www.ecphillipsalaska.com/ |
Fairchild Freight |
http://fairchildfreight.com/ |
Fish People |
https://fishpeopleseafood.com/ |
Fishermen's Finest |
http://www.fishermensfinest.com/ |
Fishermens News |
http://www.fishermensnews.com/ |
Foss |
http://www.foss.com/about-us.html |
Fjord Seafoods |
http://www.arcticstorm.com/about-us.html |
Freezer Longline Coalition |
http://www.freezerlonglinecoalition.com/ |
Frontier Packaging |
http://frontierpackaging.com/ |
GalaxSea Freight Forwarding |
Gallatin International |
http://www.gallatinintl.com/ |
Garvey Schubert Barer |
http://www.gsblaw.com/ |
General Int'l Freight Forwarders |
Glacier Fish |
http://www.glacierfish.com/ |
Global Seas |
http://globalseas.com/ |
H & M Bay |
http://www.hmbayinc.com/ |
Henningsen Cold Storage |
http://www.henningsen.com/ |
Highland Refrigeration |
http://www.highlandref.com/ |
Home Port Seafoods |
Hotel Nexus |
http://www.hotelnexusseattle.com/ |
Icicle Seafoods |
http://www.icicleseafoods.com/ |
Icy Strait Seafoods |
http://www.icystraitseafoods.com/ |
Image Source |
http://imagesourceteam.com/ |
International Maritime Group PLLC |
http://Internationalmaritime.net/ |
International Paper |
http://www.internationalpaper.com/ |
Interocean Seafoods Company |
http://www.inseaco.com/ |
Intersea Fisheries West |
http://www.interseafisheries.com/ |
Intrafish Media |
http://www.intrafish.com/ |
Ivar's |
http://www.ivars.com/ |
Janssen Associates |
http://www.janssenassociates.com/ |
Jotun Paints |
http://www.jotun.com/ |
KeyBanc Capital Markets |
https://www.key.com/corporate/index.jsp |
Keyport |
http://www.keyportllc.com/ |
King & Prince Seafood |
http://www.kpseafood.com/ |
Labels Ect |
http://www.labelsetcllc.com/ |
LeDuc Packaging |
http://www.leducpackaging.com/ |
Lineage - Seafreeze Seattle |
https://lineagelogistics.com/ |
Lineage Logistics - City Ice |
https://lineagelogistics.com/ |
LOGO Unlimited |
http://www.logounltd.com/#about |
Marel Seattle |
http://marel.com/ |
Marine Harvest |
http://www.marineharvest.com/ |
Marine Stewardship Council |
https://www.msc.org/ |
Matson |
https://www.matson.com// |
McKnight & Company |
Meridian Products |
Micro-Chem Laboratories Inc. |
http://www.microchemlaboratories.com/ |
Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP |
https://www.millernash.com |
MOL (America) |
https://www.mol-logistics-group.com/en/network/americas/index.html |
Moss Adams |
http://www.mossadams.com/home |
MRAG Americas, Inc. |
https://www.mragamericas.com/ |
Mundt MacGregor LLP |
http://www.mundtmac.com/ |
Mustad Autoline |
http://www.mustadautoline.com |
Nichimo International |
http://www.nichimo.co.jp/english/ |
North Pacific Seafoods |
http://www.northpacificseafoods.com/ |
North Point Seafood |
North Star Cold Storage |
http://www.northstarcoldstorage.com/ |
North Star Ice Equipment |
http://www.northstarice.com/ |
Northern Fish Company |
http://northernfish.com/ |
Northport Fisheries |
http://www.northportfisheries.com/ |
Northwest Farm Credit Services |
https://www.northwestfcs.com/ |
NSF Seafood |
http://www.nsf.org/services/by-industry/food-safety-quality/seafood |
Ocean Beauty Seafoods |
http://www.oceanbeauty.com/ |
Ocean Products North America |
Odyssey Enterprises |
http://www.odysseyenterprisesinc.com/ |
Offshore Systems |
http://www.offshoresystemsinc.com/ |
O'Hara Corporation |
https://www.oharacorporation.com/ |
Olympic International |
Orca Bay Seafoods |
http://orcabayseafoods.com/ |
Pacific Fishing |
http://www.pacificfishing.com/ |
Pacific Harvest Seafood |
http://pacificharvestseafoods.com/ |
Pacific Live |
http://www.pacificlive.net/home |
Pacific Ocean Foods |
http://www.pacificoceanfoods.com/ |
Pacific Seafood of WA |
https://www.pacseafood.com/ |
Pacific Seafood Processors Association |
http://www.pspafish.net/ |
Pacific Terminals |
http://www.pacificterminals.com/ |
Pallet Services/Girard Wood Products |
http://www.palletservices.com/ |
Palomino Foods |
http://www.palominofoods.com/home |
Parker, Smith & Feek |
http://www.psfinc.com/ |
PCC Logistics |
http://www.pcclogistics.com/ |
Peoples Bank |
https://www.peoplesbank-wa.com/ |
Peter Pan Seafoods |
http://www.ppsf.com/ |
Pinnacle Logistics |
http://www.pinlog.com |
Petro Star/North Pacific Fuel |
http://www.petrostar.com/divisions/marine |
Preferred Freezer Services of Lynden |
https://preferredfreezer.com/us-locations.php?Lynden-WA-LLC-58?expanddiv=washington |
ProFish Americas, LLC |
https://www.profish.com/ |
ProQuality Transportation & Logistics |
https://www.ProQualityTransporation.com/ |
Puget Sound Quality Specialists |
http://www.psqsinc.com/ |
Quality Seafood Services |
http://www.qualityseafoodservices.com/contact-us/ |
Rainier Cold Storage |
http://www.rainiercold.com/ |
Redi-Bag |
http://www.redi-bag.com/ |
Rich Products Corporation |
http://www.richs.com/ |
Rogge Co. |
http://www.charliesproduce.com/locations/rogge/ |
Salmon Terminals |
http://www.salmonterminals.com/ |
Samskip Icepak Logistics |
http://www.samskip.com/ |
Samson Tug & Barge |
http://www.samsontug.com/ |
SAT Sea & Air Transport |
http://www.satsea-air.com/ |
Sea Fare Group |
http://www.seafaregroup.com/ |
Sea Port Products |
http://www.cport.net/ |
Seafax |
https://www.seafax.com/welcome/ |
Seafood Producers Cooperative |
http://www.spcsales.com/ |
Seafood Products Association |
http://www.spa-food.org/ |
Seafresh Marketing |
Seaport Steel |
http://www.seaportsteel.com/ |
SeaShare |
https://www.seashare.org/ |
Seattle Tacoma Box |
https://www.seattlebox.com/ |
Sensitech |
http://www.sensitech.com/ |
Signature Seafoods |
http://signatureseafoods.com/ |
Silver Bay Seafoods |
http://www.silverbayseafoods.com/ |
Skagit Transportation |
http://www.skagittrans.com/ |
Sleeping Giant |
https://sites.google.com/site/sleepinggiantinccom/ |
Sound Ocean Metal Fabricators |
http://www.soundoceanmf.com/ |
Sprint Ocean/Sprint Forwarders |
http://www.sprintforwarders.com/ |
Summit Packaging |
http://www.summitpackaging.com/ |
Sysco Food Services of Seattle |
http://www.sysco.com/ |
Tai Foong USA |
http://www.northernchef.com/ |
Tatoosh Seafoods |
http://www.tatooshseafoods.com/ |
The Commerce Bank of Washington |
https://www.tcbwa.com/ |
Tote Maritime |
http://www.totemaritime.com/ |
Toyota Lift Northwest |
http://www.toyotaliftnorthwest.com/ |
Tri Marine |
http://www.trimarinegroup.com/ |
Trident Seafoods |
http://www.tridentseafoods.com/ |
Union Bank |
http://www.unionbank.com/ |
UniSea |
http://www.unisea.com/ |
Universal Freight Forwarders |
US Bank |
https://www.usbank.com/index.html |
US Foods |
https://www.usfood.com/index.html |
Vigor |
http://vigor.net/ |
Vital Choice Seafood |
https://www.vitalchoice.com/ |
Washington Cold Storage |
http://washingtoncoldstorage.com/ |
Wells Fargo |
https://www.wellsfargo.com/ |
Western Distribution Services |
http://www.wdscold.com/ |
Western United Fish Company |
http://www.westernunitedfish.com/ |
WestRock |
http://www.westrock.com/ |
Westward Seafoods |
https://www.westwardseafoods.com/ |
Wild Alaskan Company |
https://www.wildalaskancompany.com/ |
Williams Kaster |
http://www.williamskastner.com/ |
Woodland Group |
http://www.woodlandgroup.com/ |
Yancey Pallet |
http://yanceypallet.com/ |